Experience, expertise

Formed in 1992, we’re based in Brussels, home to international business and administration. The gateway to Europe and beyond.

We have a tight-knit team of in-house native speakers of French, Dutch and English with a proven track record. All of them trained linguists who understand the science of communication and the art of presenting your products, services and ideas.

Global is local

If you’re taking your business abroad, you’ll need a partner that can craft your message to local tastes and customs. We’re that partner.

Whether you’re talking to consumers or co-workers, dealers or investors, your prime concern is growing your global business and protecting your brand. You need a language specialist who can communicate your values in foreign markets and drive your growth.

It's all about the process

Peace of mind

Reliability is built into our workflow. Every assignment or project is allocated to an editor and a translator tandem. As you would expect, all translators are experienced native speakers. Because we understand that quality, consistency and integrity are key.

It’s good to talk

We value your input. In fact it is indispensible. A good briefing gives you the opportunity to set out your vision and your goals in greater detail.

The goal for you and for us is a long-term relationship built on mutual understanding and confidence. Because a solid partnership of trust is the only springboard to success.

Reach further

To complete our service, we also work closely with experienced native speakers across the continent to offer the full spectrum of language combinations. From Russian, by way of German, to Italian and Spanish. And everything in between.